
Alarm Management Processing Services (AMPS)

The approach EnablePoint Inc. takes to alarm management processing services is unique and very simple; you are in full control; We do the work for you.

Unlike other processing services available today, we are not aggressive and always position ourselves as your jurisdictions customer service working for the best interest of your citizens and the effort to reduce false alarms.  Our focus is not on maximizing billing.   Our focus is on running an efficient false alarm management system and helping your alarm owners reduce false alarms which results in savings to your jurisdiction.


The process is simplified into a few easy steps:


- Your jurisdiction sends us the false alarm incidents


We import incidents into our web-based False Alarm Billing (FAB) System, the system calculates which alarm address is to receive a warning, which an invoice, and the appropriate documents are printed in batch, processed, and mailed out by our staff.

i.Warning Letters


iii.Request to register unregistered sites identified from false alarm incident.

We receive the initial phone call and talk to your alarm owners;  should they choose to call for more information we will do our best to resolve questions and other issues, such as billing address changes.  We will not ask unrelated questions or pressure your citizens in any way.  We will act on behalf of the alarm owner.  For issues that require a management decision, we document any escalation requests or validation of incident occurrence from your designated alarm management contact and present them with factual information and complete data.  The decision to waive, bill, deny waiver, etc. will always fall into your jurisdiction’s responsibility;  We do the research and detail work for you, you make the decisions.



-You Receive the Payment(s) for alarm registration or false alarms directly


We trust you. Provide us with a report or copies of the payments that have been received and we will key in the payments to the web based  False Alarm Billing (FAB) system.  You will have online access to review the reports and match them up with your receipts.  We handle the payments this way for three reasons;  it is much simpler,  it makes sense, and it keeps our insurances and costs low, a benefit for both EnablePoint and your jurisdiction in the form of pricing.

We process your online alarm registrations directly to FAB and we also key in your paper registrations.  Our Online Alarm Registration System (OARS) is set up to match your paper registration that you have been using as close as technically possible.

Your alarm owners create an account using a validated email address and submit all the registration information that you need.

If online payment is desired, we have over seven different interfaces credit card merchant companies and will set additional companies up if not on our list already.   As with false alarm payments,  registration payments will go directly into your account and we will not touch your funds.

We will have a support line setup during business hours to help your citizens register online.

For those that do not wish to register online, we will key in the paper registration data and payments in for you.  We do the work; you make the decisions.